How can I help you?
PilotMe's vision is the art of seeing things that are obvious but invisible.
Drive maximum results with minimum effort.
“You don't become another person.
But, in us and around us, everything changes ”.
Louis Carette, The Short Years, Gallimard
Find the balance of our pillars (Personal, Family and Professional). The man of the 21st century is a happy working man.
Tools, concepts, methods, quickly and easily applicable

Here is my story
As a child, I saw myself as a car pilot. Today I have become a pilot of professional talents.
The worker whom I saw in my economic journey as a "machine" has emerged over time as a person with his difficulties and talents .
Since then, I have put human capital at the center of my business choices. It is one of the greatest strengths that we have in our history across different civilizations.
For a long time in managerial spheres, sometimes as a team manager, sometimes as a director of a department or a business leader, I have noticed that the Human being is considered as a market value.
This is why, my team and I, we strive to reintegrate these human values necessary for our civil societies.
We find solutions to the various changes that are taking place in our environment so that the man of the 21st century can be a happy working man.
We develop tools, themes, trainings that will help our participants to develop their capacities and skills and to perceive their talents in order to be able to balance their life and their well-being .
A person who works in an accomplished way is a productive person in his professional sphere and happy in his private sphere.
For a few years now, we have been collaborating with A2.be on subjects such as " Organizational intelligence ", " Save 90 minutes per week ", " Change Management Mail ", " Balance your 3 lives: Personal - Family - Professional ", and so many other exciting topics.
For the past few years, we have also been promoting our themes through specialized learning techniques such as edutainment activities that make the transmission of messages more instructive.
Michelangelo PILATO
Trainer, people manager, company administrator


Monday-Friday: 8:30a.m. - 6:00p.m.